Movable Books @ the Lilly Library, Univ. of Indiana, Bloomington (August 12, 2019)
While attending the Miniature Book Society’s Conclave XXXVIII, I took the opportunity to visit the Lilly Library on the campus of the University of Indiana. I had made arrangements beforehand to select items from their movable book catalog. The librarians were most generous. I ran out of time before I could go through my whole list, but here is a selection of images from that visit. Any questions, contact The Popuplady.
Welcome to the Lilly Library Miniature Food-Related Artist Books on exhibit Astronomicum Caesareum-1 Astronomicum Caesareum-2 Astronomicum Caesareum-3 Astronomicum Caesareum-4 Astronomicum Caesareum-5 Astronomicum Caesareum-6 Euclid’s The Elements of Geometry1570-1 The Elements-2 The Elements-3 The Elements-4 The Elements-5 The Elements-6 The Elements-7 The Elements-8 The Elements-9 Wouter Wondervolle1820?-1 Wondervolle-2, Harlequinade flaps Wondervolle-3 Traité de causes…1680 Theatrum mundi…1588-1 Theatrum mundi…-2 with ~44 volvelles Theatrum mundi…-3 Theatrum mundi…-4 Theatrum mundi…-5 Theatrum mundi…-6 Theatrum mundi...-7 Steganographiae1635-1 Steganographiae-2 Llull-like combinatory volvelle Steganographiae-3 Opusculum Geographicum1590-1 Opusculum Geographicum-2 Opusculum Geographicum- Opusculum Geographicum-4 Opusculum Geographicum-5 Opusculum Geographicum-6 Opusculum Geographicum-7 Gentleman’s dressing case18??-1 Gentleman’s dressing case-2 Like Grimaldi’s Toilet Book Bouquet1828-1 Bouquet-2 single tiara flap 1992 Exhibit Catalog-Boise State Univ.-1 Exhibit Catalog-2 Exhibit Catalog-3 Exhibit Catalog-4 Exhibit Catalog-5 Lecture on Heads1811-1 Lecture on Heads-2 Lecture on Heads-3 Lecture on Heads-4 Lecture on Heads-5 Lecture on Heads-6 Lecture on Heads-7 Lecture on Heads-8 Lecture on Heads-9 Eclipses1836-1 Eclipses-2 Eclipses-3 Dr. Last or the Devil upon two sticks/Robert Sayer-1 Dr. Last…-2 A Harlequinade 1771 Dr. Last…-3 Dr. Last…-4 Dr. Last…-5 Dr. Last…-6 Visit to Exhibition/Dean/1855-1 Visit-2 Visit-3 Visit-4 Automatic Scrapbook Cards1882 Ad for Blue Ribbon Books1932-1 Blue Ribbon -2 Blue Ribbon -3 Blue Ribbon -4 Meggendorfer ABC Archive
with double-sided volvelles-1Meggendorfer ABC-2 Meggendorfer ABC-3 Meggendorfer ABC-4 Meggendorfer ABC-5 Meggendorfer ABC-6 Original art Meggendorfer ABC-7
double spreadMeggendorfer ABC-8 prints Meggendorfer ABC-9 Ads Meggendorfer Drehbilder Meggendorfer’s Transformation Scenes~1894-1 Transformation Scenes-2 Original art Transformation Scenes-3 Transformation Scenes-4 Transformation Scenes-5 Transformation Scenes-6 decorative artwork Transformation Scenes-6a orig. artwork Transformation Scenes-7 Tiny Tim Prince Liliput~1899-1 Prince Liliput-2 Mock-up Prince Liliput-3 Mock-up Prince Liliput-4 Prince Liliput-5 Orig. artwork Prince Liliput-5a Prince Liliput-6 Orig. artwork Prince Liliput-6a Prince Liliput-1 Prince Liliput-2 Prince Liliput-2a Cover Artwork Prince Liliput-3 Prince Liliput-4 pages printout with other book art Tiny Tim Prince Liliput-7 Pince Liliput-5 Quads within Quads1884-miniature book Grimm Stories-double fore edge Grimm Stories bound by Roland Meuter
I hope you enjoy these images from my visit to the Lilly Library. All books may be found in their catalog except for Quads within Quads and Grimm Stories in German . I’m looking to post the videos from this visit as well.