Learn to Make Pop-ups
THANKS TO THE PAPER ENGINEERS WHO MADE THESE VIDEOS. There are many websites as well to explore with lots of goodies to make.
Create your own volvelle [wheel]. Only paper and scissors required.

If you are a beginner or a teacher who wants to learn the simplest methods for making pop-ups, TJ Bookarts.
The Popuplady’s FAVORITE movable. Here’s how to make it! A WATERFALL from Stampingvideo.com
Italian paper engineer, Massimo Missiroli, has prepared a series of videos How to Make Pop-ups. Watch for his new children’s book imprint, Agomas, from DeAgostini Books, Italy.
FOR ADULTS ONLY: making naughty pop-up cards
All kinds of stuff to make, like buildings and icons.
Robert Sabuda’s suggested book list of How To Make Pop-ups
Jonathan Emmett easy How-Tos, including how to publish a children’s book.
Be an Explorer and make a pop-up book!
(For additional templates to download, explore the sites of the paper engineers.)
Some of these links will take you away from www.popuplady.com. Please come back soon!