The Book Artists
Thanks to a Popuplady website visitor, I’m able to tell you about a mystery circulating-literally-through Scotland. The mystery involves Altered Books that are appearing in Scottish libraries. Visit here, here, here, and here for more information and views of the books.
Altered Books, surgically sculpted and taken to new heights, or I should say depths, by Brian Dettmer! OR Su [sic] Blackwell making 3D fairy tales using old books. They are “Bookifull!”
Thanks to paper engineer, Kyle Olmon’s blog, here is a unique use of digital pop-ups to bring you a whole new theater experience.
The Ice Book (HD) from Davy and Kristin McGuire.
Read about the 2011 exhibit The Best of Both Worlds: Finely Printed Livres d’Artistes, 1910 – 2010 at the Grolier Club in New York City. Catalog available.
Here are some of the artists’ websites and videos of their work. Maybe you’ll be like me and STAND IN AWE of such talent. Some of these artists create a single book, some create editions, usually under 100. [see also the winning artist books from Pop-up Now!
The consummate book artists, Julie Chen, captured on video. Watch her work!
PLEASE meet Ed Hutchins and see his incomparable work, including tunnel books and flexagons. Noone stretches the definition of “what is a book?” like Ed does!
The wonderful books of Emily Martin, The Erma Bombeck of Book Arts.
Download the pop-up artist book thesis of Bernadette Puleo, then watch a video of the work, A Backward/Forward Look at Pop-ups.
See Carol Barton’s luminous work.
Be among the first to experience book artist, Kelly Houle, whose first book, ‘Why is a raven like a writing desk? (from Alice Through the Looking Glass), is a must see!
Beatrice Coron– Paper artist with images from her work at the Museum of Arts & Design, NYC. Her work has even hung on New York City’s subway cars. [Forgive my iPhone image, please, taken on a moving train.]

Some of these new artists show their work on video. What a great way to see their books move!!
Introducing Colette Fu-you’ll be awed by what she’s done with pop-ups!
Pop-ups and movables in video by the talented and versatile paper engineer, T.J. Tangpuz
A. Listen carefully to Tangpuz’s the poetic description of the artistic impulse
B. Magnificent kinetic sculptures
C. Tangpuz’s Man and Machines Don’t miss this!
Harry: This artist uses all the bells and whistles of paper engineering